Self Esteem & Confidence Coach

Building Confidence and Improving Self Esteem

Lack of self confidence can effect our lives in so many ways. It can cause issues with work, in our careers, in our relationships with friends or partners or even with our children. It can manifest in so many ways including increased heart beat, headaches, sweaty palms and even palpitations. You may experience anxiety and also stress due to a lack of confidence. Worry and self doubt can be debilitating and might be causing you sleepless nights as well.

If your self worth is low you may also be accepting of negative, damaging relationships. You may struggle to set healthy boundaries. Living without boundaries can very uncomfortable in life and also any social setting. Perhaps you are struggling to control situations with your children and they are taking over.

Do you often say to yourself “I am doing this wrong”

Are you always taking things personally? Do you feel “Not good enough” or Unworthy?

Our confidence can be eroded for a number of reasons throughout our lives. My confidence coaching will rebuild your self esteem from the ground up using tried and tested techniques. You will feel stronger after each session and more in control of your life.

You will be ready to face all of life’s challenges head on and feel fantastic!