Corporate Wellness Events For Your Team

  • Corporate Wellness Workshops

    Experience an event that will ignite and invigorate your team's commitment to wellness. In this dynamic session, our primary objective is to cultivate resilience and motivation within your team members, empowering them to excel in their respective roles. Through a holistic approach, we delve into the realms of nutrition, sleep, and movement, enabling participants to achieve optimal health and well-being. Moreover, we offer supplementary services, such as on-site wellness massages, to enhance the overall experience and leave your team feeling revitalised.

  • Lunch and Learn

    Indulge in these concise and personalised sessions that empower employees to explore specific aspects of health tailored to their needs. Our carefully curated topics cover a wide range of areas, including the significance of maintaining a healthy Work/Life balance, raising awareness about Menopause, and navigating the intricacies of Hybrid working. These bitesize sessions provide an opportunity for employees to delve into these bespoke subjects, equipping them with valuable knowledge and insights to enhance their well-being and thrive in their professional and personal lives.

  • On site Health Assessments

    Prioritising the well-being of your team is paramount for fostering engagement and bolstering business resilience. By offering on-site health assessments, you provide your staff with an opportunity to gauge their current health status and discover areas for improvement. Our team of certified Health & Wellness coaches will conduct these confidential assessments, guiding employees on their journey towards enhanced health. These assessments serve as a valuable tool for individuals seeking to gain insights into their well-being and receive personalised recommendations for achieving optimal health

  • Corporate Health & Wellness Webinars

    These online sessions allow for maximum capacity of employees and playback for absent staff. These events are bespoke and can be on a number of areas of health including sleep, stress, nutrition and overall wellness.